Sunday, September 12, 2010

Philosophy: You can't have a cake and eat it too

I've been thinking lately about the phrase "you can't have a cake and eat it too". The definitive meaning of the phrase is that you cannot have the best of both worlds of most things in life. In this way, you can't have a cake if you eat it because it will no longer be there to have after it is eaten. I know, it's a little deep when you think about it. Let's go a little deeper. The real question is: Which is better, having your cake or eating it? I guess it really does depend on what the "cake" actually signifies in order to make an honest answer, but let's just speak generally. I would have to say I'm a cake "eater". I'd rather take an opportunity while it exists even though I may use it up in the process. Then again I am also very indecisive; so that's probably only true about fifty percent of the time. Though I believe it would be better to be a cake "eater" than a cake "haver". I think this because there are so many people nowadays that let opportunities slip through their fingers because of a risk that they might not have their "cake" anymore.

What about you? Are you a cake haver or a cake eater and why? Throw some comments at me and I'll do my best to reply to any and all of them.

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